Who Is Your Perfect Brain?
We have decades of experience and the technical skills of an enterprise, all within a very small team that personally cares about you.

Our Genesis
Our Founder, Dan Basmagian, is the driving force behind our mission which is to transform pre-teens’ lives for the better. Dan spent 19 years serving as a Middle School Principal and teacher at the prestigious Brentwood School in Los Angeles. During and after his professional teaching career Dan has been a private tutor and mentor – for the past 42 years- teaching his students life and study strategies that have improved their grades and confidence tremendously!
Dan himself struggled in school, “When I was a student in the 60s, I suffered from learning disabilities in school, but in the 60s, very little was known about learning disabilities and there was very little information about or people to help me with them, so I just suffered and struggled through school.”
“I knew if I was going to survive in college, the first thing I had to do was to be 100% honest with myself about my strengths and weaknesses. I discovered that my greatest strength was my ability to keep struggling, work hard, and persevere.”
“Long before Dan Coleman popularized the term E.Q., I intuitively knew that my E.Q. (hard work and perseverance) had to be a lot higher than my I.Q. if I was going to be successful in school and life.”
Dan’s life experience and program will encourage your preteens to invest in themselves and persevere as he did. Even if they have learning disabilities, they can learn how to reach their potential in school and life. His life story and program prove that hard work, dedication, and accomplishing goals are more important than a high IQ!

We've Done This Before
Most educators teach their classroom lessons during one-hour or longer classroom sessions.
Most study skills workbooks are about 50,000 words long. We know this because 15 years ago, Dan developed “The Simple Way to an A”, a comprehensive study skills program that taught preteens and teens how to study.
Even though that program was designed to teach preteens as well as teens how to study, Dan realized it was so comprehensive that it could feel overwhelming to already stressed students and their parents.
In today’s busy world, most parents, especially if they have more than one child at home, often don’t have the time to sit down with their kids to teach them how to learn.
That’s why Your Perfect Brain has developed the “In a Minute You’ll Get It” videos. This brand-new approach provides one-minute videos that teach preteens one lesson every evening in a simple, clear, and easy-to-understand way. Each lesson has its own, unique, time-tested message that, when understood, remembered, and practiced will turn into lifelong habits
We Use A Brand New Approach
The preteen years are the best time to learn how to use the power of neuroplasticity to develop great habits, strengthen character, and instill values, work ethic, and confidence.
Our mission is to teach your preteen the power of neuroplasticity in their brain, and how to use their brain to develop positive new habits!
By using neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to rewire itself by connecting neurons, your child will learn that by practicing the right behaviors, those behaviors will turn into new great habits.
The most important concept your preteens will be introduced to is something called a “habit loop”. The truly exciting thing is once your preteens understand how the “habit loop” works, the better they will become better at eliminating bad habits and developing new beneficial ones!
What makes this program truly unique is that all of the concepts taught in this learning system are taught through our “In a Minute You’ll Get It Lessons.” Our lessons are short and easy to understand, simplifying the learning process for your child.

Honesty is not the best policy. It is the only policy!
Dan made a special point in his biography to highlight that he had to be honest with himself if he was going to improve his ability to learn. But, more importantly, if he was going to succeed in improving himself, he had to also have the integrity to do what he said he was going to do while working with others.
Honesty means being truthful with yourself and others, while integrity means practicing good values, morals, and responsibility, as well as being honest about what you’ve promised to do for yourself and others.
This is why many lessons in this program teach the importance of personal honesty and integrity. Those two points of emphasis will teach your preteen the importance of learning how to work through challenges by being honest about their weaknesses as well as practicing integrity when working with others.