Chapter 1: Sage's Introduction
Chapter 2: Einstein's Brain
Chapter 3: Ben Franklin's Habits
Chapter 4: James Clear's Goals
Chapter 5: Martin Luther King's Life Is Difficult
Chapter 6: Abe Lincoln's Work Ethic
Chapter 7: Helen Keller’s Study Skills
Chapter 8: Dan Basmagian's Super Study System

Lesson 97: Sunday Night Weekly Planning System


You are no longer a little child; therefore, it’s time to learn how to manage your time.

Because your parents are much better than you are at planning ahead and because they are more on top of your extracurricular activities than you, you need to sit down every Sunday night and practice planning for the next week.

The Sunday night weekly planning is very important because if you have a test on a Friday but are busy with sports and music lessons on Thursday you will have to start studying on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. 



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