Chapter 1: Sage's Introduction
Chapter 2: Einstein's Brain
Chapter 3: Ben Franklin's Habits
Chapter 4: James Clear's Goals
Chapter 5: Martin Luther King's Life Is Difficult
Chapter 6: Abe Lincoln's Work Ethic
Chapter 7: Helen Keller’s Study Skills
Chapter 8: Dan Basmagian's Super Study System

Lesson 59: Learning Something New Begins After Many Unsuccessful Steps

Another friend of mine, Winston Churchill, was the Prime Minister of England during World War II, and like everyone else, he suffered great setbacks along with many successes during his life.

Late in his life, he was invited back to his private boarding school to give a speech to the boys.

It took the headmaster of the school about ten minutes to introduce him but after he was introduced Churchill walked up to him and said don’t sit down my speech is only nine words long.

The headmaster looked at him in shock because a long speech with a lot of words of wisdom.

But, what could he do, so he just stood there next to him,

Winston Churchill looked at the boys and said very softly and slowly: never, give, up. Then with more force in his voice, he said, never… give up. Finally, after a long pause, he pounded on the lectern and yelled, NEVER…GIVE…UP!

Remember until you choose to give up you still have a chance to succeed at accomplishing your goals.



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