Chapter 1: Sage's Introduction
Chapter 2: Einstein's Brain
Chapter 3: Ben Franklin's Habits
Chapter 4: James Clear's Goals
Chapter 5: Martin Luther King's Life Is Difficult
Chapter 6: Abe Lincoln's Work Ethic
Chapter 7: Helen Keller’s Study Skills
Chapter 8: Dan Basmagian's Super Study System

Lesson 14: The Amazing Power Of Neuralplasticity: Pt. 2


You might still be wondering why individuals who had a painful limb removed continued to experience pain even after the limb was gone.

This persistence of pain occurs because the nerves in the injured limb had been sending countless messages to the brain for an extended period before the limb was amputated.

In essence, the brain had been receiving pain signals consistently before the limb’s removal, reinforcing the section of the brain responsible for processing pain. This reinforcement made the connections increasingly robust over time.

That’s why the brain continued to transmit the pain message, indicating that the amputated part of the body still felt pain even after the limb was removed.




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