Chapter 1: Sage's Introduction
Chapter 2: Einstein's Brain
Chapter 3: Ben Franklin's Habits
Chapter 4: James Clear's Goals
Chapter 5: Martin Luther King's Life Is Difficult
Chapter 6: Abe Lincoln's Work Ethic
Chapter 7: Helen Keller’s Study Skills
Chapter 8: Dan Basmagian's Super Study System

Lesson Two: What I Do


Scientists have discovered that you have about 40,000 to 50,000 thoughts daily.

Amazingly, that’s over 18,000,000 every year that you have and generate.

Because you and everyone else are far from perfect, you will make countless bad decisions and mistakes throughout your life.

But the good news is that your bad decisions can teach you a lot about your strengths and weaknesses, if you choose to learn from them!

For example, most preteens who make a mistake usually react to the error by saying something negative and unproductive like, “That’s not fair,” I hate myself,” or, worse yet, “I give up!”

One good example of how to respond to your mistakes is to constructively and productively say something like, “Unfortunately, I made a mistake, but everybody makes mistakes, and if God is willing to forgive me, who am I not to forgive myself?

Sage will also guide you in practicing good behaviors that, with time, will become ingrained as positive habits.







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