Chapter 1: Sage's Introduction
Chapter 2: Einstein's Brain
Chapter 3: Ben Franklin's Habits
Chapter 4: James Clear's Goals
Chapter 5: Martin Luther King's Life Is Difficult
Chapter 6: Abe Lincoln's Work Ethic
Chapter 7: Helen Keller’s Study Skills
Chapter 8: Dan Basmagian's Super Study System

Lesson Seven: What Gauge Does Best


Gauge oversees two crucial aspects of your brain.

In the subconscious part, he ensures that your heart beats 100,000 times daily, allowing it to pump 2,000 gallons of blood through 100,000 miles of blood vessels every day.

He also manages the 100 billion cells in your brain, ensuring that the 100,000 trillion cells in your body function without requiring your conscious effort.

If my brother Gauge didn’t excel at what he does, you would cease to exist.

Additionally, Gauge is responsible for operating the Habit Center in your brain, where all your habits are managed.

Remember that he doesn’t differentiate between good and bad habits, so we must ensure that he adopts good habits that benefit us instead of harmful ones that hinder us.




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